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Boi Is She Thicc....

I'm always curious about new toys on the market. One of the more popular additions recently is the Polynian line up, which features some cutesy robot/girl type of sets consisting of parts that you can mix and match. I know technically you can do that with other figures, but some toys are made with this purpose in mind more than others.

I decided to pick one up and check it out. Arrived at this particular set, the Really/Motoroid Arty because, well, honestly I can't remember. I think it was just one of those "that looks OK" choices. Probably just trying to sooth my schoolgirl fetish.

So the set retails for 6,270 Yen, and comes with what I would say is a very typical set of accessories for this type of figure:

- 1 x Main Figure

- 3 x Human Face Plates

- 2 x Robot Face Plates

- 2 x Side Armour Pieces

- 1 x Bamboo Sword

- 1 x Bag

- 1 x Hexagon Base

I think that the dual Human/Robot display options are a theme with the entire series and is nice for those that care for the option - the expressions on those plates are duplicates of the extra Human plates.

For those who care, there is actually a front flap that is magnetized and can open to show the contents of the box, which isn't a common feature these days.

So according to the Daibadi website, Really here doesn't look even remotely close to her source art. She, along with the other ladies, are more... slender. This version of the character clearly didn't skip leg or arm day, though sadly it seems like she skipped chest day. Not entirely sure what happened there, and as far as I can tell it doesn't seem like the bulkier body is the result of swapping from "Flesh" mode to "Skin" mode.

Otherwise, I mean the colours seem accurate to the source art, and from what I can tell, the overall set is a recolour of an earlier one that is definitely more anime robot girl inspired. Maybe it's the same character?

The real question, though, is how well does she pose. To be completely honest, the posing powers of this particular joint/body systems are average at best. It's not so much the joints per se, but rather, the way the the various body segments are cut and the fact there's really only one type of joint don't really help. Having the stand helps with some of the more dynamic poses, but you're not going to be doing anything super hero worthy. The outfit doesn't help matters either, specifically the skirt.

Paint is.... well again, it's not bad. There isn't exactly an abundance of paint applications to show off their skills, but the finished product manages to not annoy me by screwing up what should be a very easy job, and there are no lumps in the paint.

Build Quality, on the other hand, is perhaps the single most annoying thing about this set. Maybe I'm just unlucky, but things were falling off and apart all over the thing. Joints would come apart, things wouldn't stay tabbed in either due to tolerance issues or the fact that the depth of joint isn't sufficient. About the one positive thing I can say is that overall, the thing would hold poses... presuming you could get it to hold together.

The Polynian line certainly has a very distinctive look, but the average at best posing factor and the fact the thing just can't keep itself together basically makes this one of those figures that was nice to try, but nothing I'd continue down the rabbit hole with.

Sure is cute, though.

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