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If The Armoured Greave Fits...

What's that? More Queen's Blade stuff of course! This time, I'm looking at two of the finest to ever wear Armoured Greaves, Nanael and Annelotte, both from Megahouse, though in this case it's the normal version of Aneelotte.

Nanael is the resident Angel of the Queen's Blade world. I can't remember the specifics, but I believe she was punished for something and made to watch over the tournament. To make things extra spicy, she possess a vial of "Magic Milk" that she's not allowed to have a single drop spill out.

I think you can probably guess the fetish this one was geared towards.

Nanel's weapon of choice is a relatively large sword. I've seen it wielded in her hands, and the statue would make it seem that the sword is either enchanted or is a Familiar of sorts.

An interesting design (as most of them were) Nanael features asymmetrical wings and armoured greaves. Sculpted in a semi action pose that has her floating forward with a serene expression on her face. Very, very different from her artbooks.

There's a lot of excellent sculpting details on Nanael, though we should first acknowledge the presence of that seam again on the head. Otherwise Nanael isn't a seasoned warrior, so it would make sense that she's bit a bit more pudge on her. Wings are beautifully sculpted. Smaller details like the belt are kind of hit and miss, but it should be noted that is made from a softer material. Beautiful fabric details on the skirt. Paint work is very nice, despite being predominately White. Similarly the Silver is uniformly applied with no visible flaws. The wings actually fade to translucent at the tips, which is what gives them that nice gradient look. Casting off reveals more the body with some decent musculature and of course more Baby Pudge.

Annelotte is known as the Mad Knight, and I believe she's the one spear heading the rebellion in the Queens' Blade: Rebellion series. Unlike her Swimsuit version, this one is clad is armour. With it's Blue and Silver theme, this piece very much reminded me of Saber. Being a proper battle setup, Annelotte is actually armed this time with the expected Sword and Shield.

A relatively graceful pose, you've got a forward step of sorts, with her hair and rear skirt piece trailing behind her. Now I had owned this statue before, and forgot about just how frustrating it was to display this statue. Not due to size constraints, but rather that piece at the back - it's actually a separate piece and is held in place by tabs that don't like to cooperate. Furthermore, because it's made of that softer rubber material, the tolerances aren't as precise. Ultimately, it's just a nightmare trying to get it to stay one and fid the dress on properly.

Now I don't know what it is, but Annelotte, regardless of who makes the piece, has my least favourite face of all the Queen's Blade ladies. I think it's the eyes. But that shouldn't distract you from the absolutely gorgeous work Megahouse put into making her outfit, especially the armoured pieces. Again, there is some loss of precision due to eh used of the softer material for the body pieces, but the weathering and that brilliant Silver paint really knock it out of the park. What's even better is that the Silver matches all over the body, and there's no loss in quality of actual paint work itself. You can also see that musculature peek out at the appropriate spots, and of course more of it gets revealed when you Cast Off the clothing.

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