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Magic Henshin Girls: Gemini Wings

The Gemini Wings are perhaps the weakest of the set. You need both of them to make any sort of vehicle (Stealth Bomber), the QC issues result in the ears popping off their heads constantly, they both feature giant backpacks, and the accessory is literally just a plastic heart. I guess you can pose them doing a heart pose with their fingers.

The twins form the lower legs of the combined mode.

Like I said,, pretty tame contents. Not shown is the bonus piece that creates the cockpit of the combined jet mode.

The twins are from a toy perspective, functionally the same, featuring the articulation, mainly missing the waist. Despite how they look, it's the actual bulk attached to their head that kind of screws with articulation, as opposed to the other kibble you see. Sharp eyed readers may also notice that in addition to colour differences, the two characters actually have slightly different shaped eyes.

Articulation is pretty typical, features a standard set of shoulders and no waist. The long ponytail, to it's credit, helps to balance the figure in various standing poses as they've both got peg feet.

Yeah.... the hearts are just kind of there. Maybe they do something on the actual show?

Finally, here's the vehicle mode. As stated, it's made up of the two characters. Transformation involves the inclusion of a weird frame that is needed to connect the two pieces together, as well as serving as part of the combiner function. It's somewhat whimsical looking, but again, in the context of this world it's not out of place.

Scarlet Dragon

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