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Nice Nozzle!

As we enter the Spring, the second wave of the Mainline Transformers figures have started reaching stores, with distribution in Canada being generally about the same as the US. Got two figures from this recent release, which includes the much anticipated Leader class Sandstorm.

Leader figures have been mixed, ever since the Legacy series began. Most of them have been Voyager sized figures with some extra parts, that basically double the price. Some better than others, of course, but I've been wary of buying any of them. But Sandstorm is a toy that I spent a lot of time with as a kid, cause it seems that nobody ever had issues letting me borrow theirs.

So popping open the box, you can see the main figure isn't particularly big. Accessory wise, it's kind of weird, as it is two guns and what I describe as a Cat Catcher on a winch.

So the figure is more toy design than cartoon design, and that's something I actually like. Not that it's a preference or anything, but the G1 toys was so awkward looking, it's nice to bring some of that back to table. If you're unaware of the character, Sandstorm is a Triple Changer, with Dune Buggy and Helicopter alt modes.

For the record, I forgot to put on the tail end on the figure in robot mode, but in my defense, the instructions didn't mention this at all.

Being a Mainline figure, this release has features that annoy many collectors, and I don't actually understand why as it's not a Masterpiece release. You've got some admittedly sketchy looking lower legs, and a really bulky looking backpack, which again, goes back to how awkward the original toy looked.

In addition to the body, the head is also very much G1 toy style, with the differences being size and the actual ability to turn..

Articulation wise, Mainline, so no surprises there. Perhaps the strangest limitation, for me anyway, is the fact the knees only bend 90 degrees. There's nothing physically there that would cause this blockage. In fact, due to the lack of a lower leg, this is a figure that should be easily able to do some REALLY deep knee bends. Otherwise, rotating wrists are nice to have and allow Sandstorm to pull off some gangsta style gun grips.

Transformation into the two alt modes isn't so much hard as needing to be precise. Every snap, lock, and click need to be accounted for before you can actually complete the procedure. Both modes feature a mode where the accessories are incorporated into it, While the Dune Buggy mode certainly did it better, both modes feature a better use of the additional accessories than any of the other Leaders I've seen.

So I guess the R&D team had some additional budget, as an old favourite makes a surprising return - actual tires! They're not rubber like the old days, but are a separate piece and are a stiff vinyl in my best estimation.

Paint Application wise, this is probably one of the only recent Mainline figures where I feel there has been adequate paint work. All the helicopter windows are painted as are the headlights and the actual rims and the housing of the rotor, spots that I am pretty sure would have been left off on a regular day. These paint apps are addition to typical detailing applications on the body, which includes the face.

Someone at the top must really like Sandstorm.

The actual paint quality itself is pretty standard, so nothing overly wrong to complain about.

Build Quality continues to be a solid effort. I haven't had any issues with the Legacy line fro this regard, and I know I don't buy all of them, but I'd like to think that I have a good number of sample points. Everything fits together reasonably well with no poor finishes. Joints respond well to to my handling and posing. Wheels spin nicely, including the various support wheels used in both alt modes.

Overall, I like the figure. It's by no means close to perfect, and many collectors are likely going to turn their noses up at this figure because of its aesthetics. But the aesthetics are exactly why this figure succeeds for me, along with the fact that this is a Triple Changer that hasn't received much love since Generations, and even then it was an obvious retool of Springer. This figure might still be a retool of Siege Springer, but if it is, its certainly less obvious than Blitzwing.

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