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Smol Package

So one of the newer scale statue lines on the market is the Popup Parade series by Max Factory. The way I understood it was that the statues are meant for collectors looking to move up from Prize Figures, but not looking to throw down true Scale prices. It's an interesting market segment, one that has actually been underserviced ever since prices skyrocketed on Scales due to use of ABS rather than straight up PVC.

The line has actually been out for a while now (over a year at the very least, if not more). I just never found a character I wanted to spend the money on, especially with COVID era shipping being a real pain. But, with EMS to Canada finally back in service and a Chun Li being made, it was as good a time as any to dive in.

Retailing for about $40 CAD, these statues have both premium and economy features. The packaging isn't bad - simple, effective. The overall scale of the statue is probably in the neighbourhood of 1/10, with the statues generally featuring better detailing, paintwork, and finishes than your run of the mill Prize figure. Statues feature a generic round base and connect via pegs on the feet. The material itself feels like the harder ABS, which should help to eliminate potential leaning issues in the future.

For the price I paid, and considering how much everything else costs these days, Chun Li turned out fairly well. Detailing and QC overall is acceptable, though clearly in the mess that is her sash isn't the greatest. My only real complaint would be that face - profile view is fine, but from the front... man, what were they thinking?

Unless they raise the prices, I think there's going to be a few of these in my future, though as always that's going to depend on what properties they choose from.

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