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Speak Softly And Carry A Big Stick

Its always fun finding an older figure for less than MSRP, especially if it's one that generally you wouldn't see for at that price. Fate Figma are don't fall into this category very often, but when it does I'm generally there to scoop it up. Such is the case for Figma 381: Fate/Grand Order - Lancer/Scathach.

Released back in 2018 for about 7,500 Yen, this figure is somewhat of a pain the ass to find these days. I don't think aftermarket prices have gotten astronomical, but they're in general more than I'd pay for this. For whatever reason, it seems that all the Fate Lancers have sold quite well, Scathach being no exception, and I imagine that the upcoming Lancer/Artoria didn't do too shabbily either.

I was able to score this figure, unopened, for $80 CAD.

Being priced at basically entry level for a Fate release, there's not anything extraordinary accessory wise:

- 1 x Main Figure

- 3 x Faceplates (Neutral, Shouting, Laughing)

- 10 x Gripping/Posing Hands

- 2 x Alternative Gae Bolg

- 1 x Figma Base/Stand

Like with many other Figma, the figure itself does a pretty good job at capturing the essence of the character, but isn't exactly perfect when it comes to the proportions of the body. To me, it seems that the neck is a bit long, eyes are bit big, and the bust is a bit small.

Having taken a better look at her, I think it's safe to say that her popularity is due to the character design itself. There aren't too many people who would object to a skintight outfit with long flowing hair. What puts this particular design over the top, IMO, is the colour selection. Predominately purple combined with piercing red eyes gives off a very mysterious vibe. Even among the the large cast of Fate and their Alter forms, this combination of colours still stands out.

She's like a moodier version of Medusa.

Faceplates are generally well made, though a tad off the mark. I've read Scathach is a generally calm and collected person, so these faces are probably as extreme as I'd think emotionally she'd go.

The rest of the figure is pretty much typical Figma, in the best way possible.

Articulation is on part for a Figma 2.0 featuring no waist joint. No pulldown hips or any other such engineering tricks, which is always unfortunate, but especially for figures with giant weapons as they need that extra range of motion to get into any rally exotic poses. So while the range motion is pretty average, at least her top was sculpted with the skirt end flared out so you can get some additional range of motion in the legs. Her hair is provided with additional joints on the long parts, and this allows the hair to move out of the way, giving the head the ability to move, though the hair will never actually sit on the shoulder properly.

From a Paint and Build perspective, well this figure came out before COVID, so there's really not much to report there. It's really figures that are released in the '21 - '22 time period that one needs to be concerned with. Everything looks presentable and nothing falls off. Joints hold as expected.

Overall, another find addition to the Fate ranks, presuming you can find her at a price that doesn't make your eyes water, and remember.... if anyone gives you guff about buying another Fate Figma, just tell them you're not buying them for their personalities, you're buying them for how perky they are.

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