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The Sweet Smell of Success...

So back in February 24, Goodsmile Company did a Lucky Box promotion for some of their products, including Figma. I, like pretty much the rest of the world, ended up with stuff that we would rather not have.. it's just that in my case, they ALL were things I'd rather not have. Thus, the great tradeoff began. I traded two of the figures I got, basically gunning for anything I didn't have and was female. I actually bought three, and the last one was a Rider 2.0, which would have been great had I not purchased one years ago.

So, it goes without saying that if the figure was popular enough, it would have sold without becoming a common selection in the Lucky Draw. I know absolutely nothing about Nadeshiko Kagamihara, the series Laid-Back Camp she comes from, or any of that backstory stuff, but clearly someone at GSC felt she was important enough to warrant the fancy DX treatment with the extra slipcover.

With a MSRP of 12,100 Yen, the DX edition does offer quite a bit more than its non DX counterpart... but of course there's a price jump of 3,300 Yen to take into account. So, clearly at the $30 USD price point, this is a REALLY good value figure:

  • 1 x Main Figure

  • 8 x Gripping/Posing Hands

  • 1 x Spoon Hand

  • 1 x Chopstick Hand

  • 1 x Cup Hand

  • 1 x Bowl Hand

  • 1 x Burner

  • 1 x Pot

  • 1 x Ladle

  • 1 x Cell Phone

  • 1 x Hatless Hair

  • 1 x Bundled Body Effect

  • 1 x Kneeling Lower Body

  • 1 x Base/Stand

This is one of those figures that has a main purpose of basically looking cute. As mentioned, there is both the option to display here with and without here winter hat (and scarf). She looks dressed to hang out outdoors for a long period of time in her insulated vest, plaid shirt and apparently jean shorts with leggings. How accurate is this to the source material? Haven't got a clue.

Alternate display options also include a dedicated crouch lower body, or more accurately, W-Sitting, though there are no shoes, along with the adorable bundled up body substitute that needs no further explanation.

As expected, the faces? Adorable, though they're basically variations on the same expression. Maybe she's just always perky?

This figure may look cute and all, but it's not going to win any awards for Articulation. Sure it's functional but the giant vest basically interferes with any meaningful posing. The above photo is probably as exotic as you're going to get around these parts. Mind you, it's not like she's really meant to be put in any real action poses, but this does make ownership that much more boring for me.

Paint Applications are pretty typical for Figma, so no worries there. You have your typical mix of painted and clear coated surfaces, with generally sharp resutls, even on the smaller details. All the accessories turned out nicely, with no splotchy paint work despite their tiny size. Decal work is nice, most notable ln the Plaid inner shirt and the faces.

Build Quality is also what you'd expect, with a strange exception. So on the original photos, it seems that the hands holding the cup and the bowl are separate from the items in question. When I received said figure, the hands were attached to the objects, and based on the grips it's not like they were ever meant to hold anything else. The hand holding the cup holds said item snugly and does not appear to be able to release it. The hand holding the bowl actually separated from the bowl itself, so I figure maybe some glue came dry or something, but I couldn't get it to sit flush. So now, I'm confused as to whether I misaligned it or did I glue something that wasn't supposed to be secured in the first place.

Thank goodness this was a $30 figure.

So that's about it for this figure. It's not a bad figure or anything (expect for the strange hand thing), it's just not one I'd normally buy due to the general lack of interest in the subject matter. Certainly lots of display options, but pretty much all of them are going to be pedestrian in nature.

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