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Twerk It!

I was holding out hope that S.H. Figuarts would do more Disney + figures... or anything beyond Falcon and The Winter Soldier. But alas, it doesn't seem like it, though I don't think much of its Marvel stuff sells outside of the Avengers stuff. At any rate, turns out there's no She Hulk Figuart so, I kind of went with the next best thing, the Marvel Legends release. It's not my usual thing, but at least She Hulk GOT a figure release, which is more than I can say for my poor, poor What If... Black Widow.

Yeah there's a Hot Toys preorder, but it's $300 USD and the Hot Toys new silicone body needs some field testing by me before I sink that kind of money into it.

So I don't keep up with Marvel Legends stuff, but it appears this was released back in Fall 2022. Same typical packaging I've seen from the line in the past, complete with some nice art work (not sure if it's concept art or if its specific for the figure). Not sure if this is still the norm for packaging, as Hasbro has moved towards windowless stuff for Transformers, and I seem to recall angry Legends collectors mumbling about the inability to see the toy before buying it.

The figure doesn't come with much in terms of extra accessories - it's just a pair of fists and the BAF Infinity Ultron part.

Here she is unpacked. Because of the obvious price point differences and intended audience, I'm going to be much more understanding in my general analysis, and really just harp on things that make sense.

The actual figure itself is probably one of the better looking Marvel Legends figures I've handled in, well, forever. I like the overall musculature of the body and the general silhouette of the figure itself. I just wish the green they used was a bit more yellow tinged so it looks like the art. Instead, She Hulk appears more like she's covered in an avocado.

The face isn't exactly Tatiana Maslany, but it's in the ball park and more importantly, looks like a human being with the eyes pointed in the right direction, which is more than I can say about some previous attempts. I'm not a fan of sculpted hair but it'll do, and at least has some life to the sculpt. She Hulk is wearing her super hero suit, which appears to be detailed adequately and appropriately.

Aritculation isn't bad. You can't compare it to a Figuart, but with the exception of a lack of waist, it gets the job done. Kudos for the double jointed elbows and knees, though I curse the existence of the sculpted hair. getting in the way of head movement. Bicep and thigh swivels are present.

HOWEVER, I do take insult to the lack of butterfly joints. Hasbro has a true joint on their Lighting Collection figures, and there's at least a double ended ball joint or something on the G.I. Joe figures, Both figures feature significantly better shoulder articulation for figures at the same price point, so for me this is fair game.

The actual Paint on this figure is relatively little. Basically it's the face painting, the streaks of green in her hair, and then it's everything that isn't her body and upper thighs. That's sort of the reason why this figure actually looks good - they didn't paint most of the body. I mean, if it works it works so no real beef there.

I can live with the paint work - most of it, anyway. The green used on the shoulders doesn't match up with the rest of the body, so it looks really weird there, like most figures if they tried using flesh coloured paint to blend in with plain plastic coloured flesh. The ironic thing is that the green they used for paint is actually what I'm looking for in the first place.

The other issue is more with the design of the figure. The way the hips are cut, they cause paint scratches on the thighs if you raise the legs to their maximum allowed position.

Build Quality, on the other hand, is actually very good for once. There's no poorly fitting parts, warped limbs, weak joints, poor finishes. Everything is just fine.. for once.

I think at the end of the day, this She Hulk figure succeeds because it's really not that complicated of a figure . Standard body, no real bits needed for her costume, decent face painting, and very focused spots of actual paint work. I still wish I had a Figuarts version to display and twerk with Piccolo, but this isn't too bad and is adequate for my general display and play needs.

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