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Uptown Funk

Across the Spiderverse is probably one of the few Marvel movies that basically impressed anyone and everyone that watched it, either from a story telling perspective, or just from outright artistic admiration. Slowly, but surely, S.H. Figuarts for characters rom the movie were promoted and released, with the most recent one being Miguel Ohara aka Spiderman 2099.

In case you forgot, he was the cranky one.

Like, strangely pretty much every other Figuarts I've gotten lately, this too was a Web exclusive, so fancy brown outer box.

I don't recall this figure being overly expensive (if bought from Japan). Contents of the set aren't too bad:

  • 1 x Main Figure

  • 1 x Unmasked Head

  • 6 x Posing Hands

  • 1 x Large Bracelet

  • 1 x Small Bracelet

  • 2 x Web Line (Short, Long)

  • 1 x Cape

The character designs from the series are very much unlike anything we've seen from the IP, in a good way. So it's refreshing to get a figure that really is outside the norm. I'm not talking the colours and all that - that's all the character on the whole. But the body proportions? That's all this movie series. At least Miguel's leg aren't so slim that even standing poses a challenge.

Another aspect of this guy's suit that I like are the various tech details on it. They're all over the thing as his suit is augmented as opposed to a simple fabric ones use by OG Peter Parker. Now while I wish they were UV light sensitive or something, that's not gonna happen here, but at least they're raised, which is something that was gonna happen with the Hot Toy as well.. or at least that until their customer base bitched so much they went back to a fabric suit.

You will probably immediately notice that there's a plastic cape. Yeah, it's as rigid and immobile as you think. In its defense, things have improved since the days of plastic rectangles masquerading as capes and this one has a nice sculpt to it, plus there's the spiderweb pattern, so at least the thing LOOKS cool.

Of the two heads, I wouldn't say I have particularly strong feelings about either one, but I do prefer the masked head as my unmasked one seems to have a bum right eye. I don't think the size difference is suppose to be there, and I for sure know that the decal is supposed to be on the actual eye itself.

Both of the heads, however, share one same issue. The necks are way too long, which is why no matter which one is one the body, Miguel has that Giraffe action going on.

There are two Portal Bracelets, as one is meant for use with Miguel, and the other with Gwen, though I suspect Miles probably has a wrist small enough as well.

Good Articulation is pretty much a requirement for this character, and what we got didn't disappoint. Drop down hips with hip plates are present, like with the Dragonball figures. Strangely no waist joint, but you do get ab crunch coupled with a chest that rotates and tilts. Butterfly joints allow for the arms to come closer together. Head tilt, I'm happy to report, is actually useful for poses where he's crawling/flying forward. Actual arms and legs have the standard range of motion, which on a Figuarts releases is pretty good.

It's going to be hands that kind of hold you back, as there aren't that many and to be honest, it's pretty much either a fist or an open palm with claws.

Paint Applications aren't bad per se, but again, highly selective. On the main body, it's pretty much just the Red applications, though in this case that would involve the soles of the feet as well. The hands, as far as I can tell are painted both Blue and Red, likely due to the material used. Applications are crisp and do not have any masking issues nor are they so heavily applied that you lose the detailing on the suit underneath.

The face, as pointed out earlier, has that weirdly positioned and sized eye. I think that might just be a "me" thing.

Build Quality wise, nothing that I experienced would be out of the realm of expectations. Due to the significantly larger size than the other two, getting this figure to stand isn't too bad despite the relatively scrawny legs. Joints operate smoothly and I couldn't find anything that artificially limited their range of motion, something that is especially important for the hip joints which really are at the center of any really good Spider pose. No glaring imperfects on parts finishes despite have very little paint to hide things.

With the exception of that overly long neck, a pretty solid figure. The usual good production values on S.H. Figuarts are present here, and I've not heard any reports of any bum figures out there. You have some excellent posing options, though of course certain poses are going to look more natural than others - I for the life of me can never really get the web lines doing anything for me. Certainly premium compared to the Legends figure, but that price tag might be a deterrent to the more casual figure fan.

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