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"You Don't Turn Your Back... On Family"

Yeah... wrong family movie, but it's what I had off the top of my head. Now, I LOVED ScarJo's run as Black Widow, but even I though that the Black Widow movie could have been.. better. It had so much potential... *sigh*.

By now, it's now surprise - Natasha donned two outfits for the film. A white outfit (Snow Suit) and her more trademark black outfit in the last act of the movie. The general release, strangely, was the latter, which came out over a year ago, with the Snow Suit solicited as a web exclusive, and finally released late December 2021. I gathered her along with a crap ton of other stuff, and had it all shipped.

As always, exclusives come with that neat brown shipper box. Inside, is the art box in the standard dimensions for a Figuart.

Contents are relatively light, especially for the roughly 8,000 Yen this is priced at:

- 1 x Figure

- 10 x Posing/Gripping Hands

- 2 x Baton Handles

- 2 x Extended Batons

- 2 x Holstered Pistol Effects

- 2 x Empty Holsters

- 2 x Pistols

Weapon wise, I guess there's really not much else they could have tossed in there, as I don't really recall her using anything else (maybe a grapnel hook?). What would have been really nice, however, is a second expression. But, alas that was not the case, and it wasn't the case for the general release either.

Both the Snow Suit and Black Suit are effectively the same, colour aside. Other notable differences include the less pimped out belt and a different backpack altogether for holding her batons. Hairstyle is different, featuring only the single braid on the left side of her head. The hair on the Snow Suit turned out better than the other version though, as Natasha isn't given the head of a Minecraft character. As one would expect, Tamashii Nations recycled the face, down to the skin tone, which given their track record, ain't such a bad thing.

Articulation wise there are both some pleasant and unwanted surprises. The actual base body is the same one that's ben used since the Infinity War/Endgame days, featuring the floating waist piece. It's the one I'm most familiar with, having travelled with Endgame Widow in my pocket for several years (pre-COVID) and it's a very capable body, with double jointed knees to help with those deep lunging and kneeling poses, and double ended shoulder joints to improve range of arm movement. Unsurprisingly, the hair get in the way of head rotating, though it should be noted that the material is relatively pliable, so you'll be able to move the head in the right direction, even if the hair doesn't settle down in a natural looking way. Just be mindful of the baton handles. What IS surprisingly, however, is that they made her waist piece out of a very soft plastic, or more accurately a really thin layer of whatever the body is made from, as there is no difference in colour or detailing. While this doesn't really help with the forward motion of the legs, they can no kick backwards more, though I guess in practice you're only going to use this newfound power infrequently. The chest section of the torso also seems to be made of this softer material, which results in significantly improved posing options for that section of the body.

Paint App wise, most of the work is in the head/face. Digital Paint is sharp as ever, resulting in a relatively sharp looking face, with the usual dithering once you get too close. The effectiveness of the paint is further enhanced due to faceplate that is a good match for the real deal, Otherwise, paint on the body and accessories very minimal. I mean... it's a white suit. Pretty obvious where the paint is. Some minor masking issues were observed, which normally isn't that huge of a deal, but when you're painting on a white surface any and all flaws like that kind of stick out. Minor paint work on the batons was done nicely. Hair is two tone, with the main colour the maroon, with some black lines for texture.

Build Quality wise, Snow Suit Widow is definitely up to the usual standard of quality I expect from a Figuart. Parts fit together nicely, with no issues taking off the hands. Joints didn't feel like they would fail or snap. Limb length was uniform. A few blemishes with regards to parts finishes, but nothing that got in the way of articulation.

With that, there are no other ScarJo Black Widow Figuarts to add to my collection, unless Tamashii decides to go back and either redo the AoU version, or add the Civil War version to the lineup. Stranger things have happened, I suppose, and I'll be sure to be there if it does. For now, though, I've got quite a few pieces waiting in the wings about a certain Anime family, cursed to battle the forces of evil, wherever they may show up.

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