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You Need To Make Eye Contact....

As many collectors know, ThreeZero has been doing some solid work, specifically on their mecha based properties. By now, I have a few MDLX and DLX releases, and am good in the sense that I know what the tech is and what to expect, so there's no real need to watch things like a hawk and attempt to find that one release that will be the reason for my entry.

Of course, the there are things called "Convention Exclusives" that admittedly kind of tug at my FOMO, though most of the time prices or generally annoyance at getting turn me off. However, it seems that for the last little while, things for ThreeZero have actually not been too difficult to secure online, though I suppose you can argue limited appeal. Two such items were G1 repaints of their MDLX Optimus Prime and Megatron figures.

Boxes are more G1 inspired than normal counterparts, which is a nice touch. I don't think the actual graphics are that much different that the normal one.

Both figures are $100 USD and it's hard to say if either are the better value or anything like that, as Megatron is a bit bulkier than Optimus. In general, I can say that both came with what I expected of them, with Optimus having more hands due to an actual need for them, and Megatron having the ability to connect what normally forms the muzzle of his pistol mode (which I completely forgot to attach to the figure for half the photos) into his Fusion Cannon.

So both figures have decos inspired by the G1 cartoon, but they went a step further with Optimus by giving him cel shaded chest panels, though they kind of forgot that there are windshield wipers there. Otherwise, solid examples of the ThreeZero aesthetic for this line, taking classic designs and adding unique artistic touches, mainly additional mechanical details. Head sculpts are both familiar yet new at the same time. There is some diecast content, but the focus of the MDLX material is pretty much on the frame work.

Of course Optimus has his Matrix Chamber and Jetpack, the latter of which just plugs into the holes of the back. The Matrix Chamber works and all that, but it's I think the first figure I've ever had of G1 Prime that doesn't feature an opening chest cavity, but rather has the windshield a completely removable part - could be a reliability thing, could be a cost thing.

I find that the Ion Blaster for Optimus is way, way too big.. I think it's the length of his legs, which is way out of scale. Energon Axe is a separate weapon this time around, like later iterations of the character. As mentioned, the Fusion Cannon is now able to combine with the part that forms the muzzle of the gun mode.

Side by side photos highlight what I said earlier, that while they're the same height, Megatron is definitely the bulkier of the two. I dig the look, and really like how the legs turned out.

In terms of Articulation, both figures are actually pretty much the same. In fact, I'm confident these were both the same base figure, just different window dressing. You get double jointed elbows and knees with decent ankle and toe articulation. Chest is mounted on a single joint that allows for tilt in all direction. Shoulders have a combination of standard ball joint and hidden swivel that allows for slightly above 45 degrees of motion there allow for some some decent arm crossing action, and the shoulder pads are hinged so they move out of the way. Head articulation is decent though it's no Revoltech.

The Hips are actually provided with an extra joint, kind of like the Shoulders. This allows for the entire leg to shift further away from the bulk so you can improve the overall range of motion. This combined with the dedicated thigh twist improves your leg posing game, though ultimately you will run into bulk related limitations.

Paint Applications are great on the figures. Paint really has never been an issue on any of the ThreeZero figures I've handled, so it's no surprise that things are great here. Well, with the exception of the silly coating of Primes chest. Even minute details like the silver pieces on Megatron's shins or Optimus Prime's face are nice and sharp. There is some paneling lining, though it isn't as obvious as with other lines.

Build Quality, there's a few things worth nothing. Generally, the hands don't really like to stay on the pegs for either figure. In the case of Optimus, the gripping hands are a bit loose in my opinion, with the Ion Blaster hands being the worst. Megatron, or at least my copy, has loose knees and the hip flaps, all of them, like to pop out of their sockets. I lost count of how many times I had to pope those damn things back. Furthermore, as the above photo shows, there was some weird grinding damage on the hidden shoulder joint.

So basically, Megatron may look better, but he's got way more flaws.

So overall, a bit disappointing on the Megatron QC issues, and incredibly frustrated over the popping hip panels (or completely hilarious depending on how you look at it). Of course, that could just be my luck (as always), but regardless, it is a shame as I like Megatron more than Optimus. Having said that, they are both really well designed figure, as with the other ThreeZero catalog that I own, incredibly stable and sturdy with some great production values. I'd say they're basically YOLOPARK figures if those had better QC, and as always, significantly better than those horrible RED figures.

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