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Magic Henshin Girls: Scarlet Sonic

Scarlet Sonic is effectively the leader of the group, and transforms from robot to motorcycle, and forms either the head or the head and arms of the still un-named combined mode. The upper left corner of the box states, if I'm reading it correctly, First Edition. These characters are present on all my boxes, and may very well be the only differentiators between current and later releases. I feel that, depending on how the series goes, there may be multiple combiners that come together to form an even larger one, though I have to say if that is going to happy, please get your engineering together, Big Firebird Toys.

The contents of the Scarlet Sonic box are pretty typical across the board, so I'm just going to let the photos do the talking. You get the figure, an extra expression, a blank face, and whatever weapons/accessories Big Firebird Toys felt appropriate, as well as alternate hands.

The blank face is for you to customize by applying the included water decals - in the case of Scarlet Sonic, some of those eyes are in fact meant for the combined mode face, which are dual coloured.

The baggie full of stuff? Well that's where the decals are, as well as any combiner mode effect parts or any of the "bonus" parts that weren't a thing when the figure was first developed,

BTW.. the fact these are water decals and that the parts are combiner effects? Never mentioned in any of the paperwork.

In terms of size, well, here's a scale for you. Aqua is your typical Figma female, so maybe 5.25 inches tall? Scarlet Sonic (and the rest of the ladies) are all much, much shorter than Aqua is. Overall, if you're a transformer collector, the figures are all about Legends sized in height, though credit given where credit is due, are more complex in terms of design.

Articulation for this figure isn't bad, and probably the most balanced of all the figures, probably because it has the most balanced robot mode. Actual range of motion is limited on the knees and hips, but at least you've got waist, mid torso and pretty flexible head, shoulder and forearm options. Be aware that Scarlet Sonic has a long pony tail of sorts that will get in the way of head movement.

Conversion to bike mode is pretty straight forward and yes, as small as you'd imagine. The wheels on Scarlet Sonic, and the other wheeled vehicles, don't technically spin, but there are sections that will spin to give a roller effect.

Design nitpick for this figure? The fists require popping on and off every time you transform it.. Naturally, an option where you didn't have to do that would have been nice, but given what we have to work with, maybe have better pegs on the forearm to connect to, and use materials for the hands that are more suitable to long term attachment and removal. QC checks on the wrist holes would also be nice.

Thunder Light

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