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Magic Henshin Girls: Thunder Light

Thunder Light is by far my favourite of the group, which is unfortunate as it's also the one with the sketchiest design and, in my case, QC. Thunder Light has a transforms into a wheeled vehicle of some sort (the bonus part goes between the elbows - not mentioned in documentation) and converts into effectively the lower torso and upper legs of the combined mode.

Rather than weapons, Thunder Light comes with lightning effects to be used with the included pair of fists. Which leads me to my first question... WHY?

These are the default fists that she comes with, along with a slotted, hinged thumb. The hole is necessary, as it helps to stabilize torso mode by securing the arms and the body together. What I don't understand is why they couldn't just have modified the thumb design so it folds into position and becomes the actual thumb. Then the extra hands could have been used for gang signs or something.

My love for this component goes to its obvious strength - its proportions. In the simpliest possible terms, basically... she THICC. Articulation for this figure is not as good as Scarlet Sonic, most notably missing the waist, as well as a true thigh twist.

Despite how things look, Thunder Light does actually feature knees. Aesthetically speaking, it's an interesting look that given the nature of these designs, works quite well. The engineering behind it, on the other hands is a bit iffy. There's a hinge that flips out allows for transformation, but because it isn't that secure it has a tendency to pop out leaving the legs a dangling mess.

The knee joint itself is actually built into the wheel itself, and as such requires decent QC and tolerance control to make sure there's enough clearance to spin, but at the same time still have enough friction to hold poses, particularly in combined mode. The Right knee works out just fine... the one on the Left, however, is so stiff I thought I would break the thing.

Vehicle mode is, as mentioned, some sort of wheeled vehicle. It's functional, and isn't suppose to replicate any real world stuff, so that's about all there is to that.

Gemini Wings

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